Parish Safety Training
The Office of Risk Management, in partnership with Ratio Risk Services and Synergy 911, is offering Parish Safety Webinars and in-person Active Shooter Response Training workshops.
Parish Safety Webinar
The Department of Homeland Security urges houses of worship to develop and maintain safety plans and procedures. Please join us for a safety planning webinar where we will walk you through the process of creating a safety committee and establishing a safety plan.
The first Parish Safety Webinar will be held on July 20 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. If you would like to attend please register HERE.
Active Shooter Response Training
Conducted by law enforcement professionals with SWAT team expertise, this training provides practical information and hands-on experience in a range of parish settings. The goal of the training is to:
- Enhance adaptability and critical thinking in emergency situations
- Give participants a greater sense of empowerment and confidence in their ability to protect themselves and those they care for in the face of a violent situation
The training session is 3 hours and involves active participation in hands-on scenarios.
We are currently scheduling regional sessions that are free of charge. If you would like to volunteer your parish for a regional session, please email: or call 617-833-0811.