Please note: For those who request recurring certificates of insurance, our policy renews 7/1/24 and we will begin issuing certificates for the upcoming policy period (7/1/24 – 7/1/25) the week of June 24, 2024.
Auto Forms
The prompt reporting of the sale or disposal of a vehicle to the ORM ensures that you will receive full and proper credit for any premium refund.
The prompt reporting of auto accidents enables not only the quick repair and return of your vehicle, but it also enables the ORM to effectively investigate the accident and properly manage any claims or litigation that may arise. Experience has shown that immediate investigation and contact with injured parties greatly reduces the long-term costs of the processing and settlement of such claims.
Auto Liability Certificate of Insurance Request Add or Remove Vehicle FormBuilding Forms
You can add or delete a building or request builder’s risk insurance quickly and easily by filling out one of our online forms.
Add Building Form Builder’s Risk Insurance Request Remove Building from Program and Insurance CoverageCertificate of Insurance
Please note: For those who request recurring certificates of insurance, our policy renews 7/1/24 and we will begin issuing certificates for the upcoming policy period (7/1/24 – 7/1/25) the week of June 24, 2024.
Property Certificate of Insurance Request General Liability and Workers Comp Certificate of Insurance Request Auto Liability Certificate of Insurance RequestClaims Forms
One of the objectives of the Office of Risk Management is to provide protection, support, and guidance to our locations in the event of losses, whether they are first-party property losses or third-party liability losses. One way that we meet this obligation is by assisting locations in resolving claims quickly and in the most cost-effective manner possible. It is imperative that a claim be reported as soon as possible. The more time passes, the more difficult it is to conduct the investigation and manage the claim.
Accident Report Claimant Incident Report Witness Claim Property ClaimGeneral Liability Accident Forms
The Office of Risk Management cares about the safety and well-being of all our program participants and those you serve. When an accident occurs, it is imperative that the accident be reported as soon as possible.
Accident Report Claimant Incident Report Witness ClaimHost Liquor Liability Form
This form is used when you would like to purchase liquor liability coverage for an event.
Host Liquor Liability RequestField Trip Forms
The Office of Risk Management recognizes the value of field trips for educational and spiritual development. When planning field trips and outings, we ask that review the safety guide recently revised by the Office of Lifelong Faith Formation:
Policies and Procedures for Trips Involving Minors Updated March 2025
These forms accompany the document, Policy and Procedures for Trips Involving Minors. These are fillable forms, but they work best if you download them to your desktop and fill them out using Adobe Acrobat. Please note that the e-signature function of the form, which allows you to fill in your signature digitally, is only available after you download the file. A free version of Adobe Acrobat can be downloaded here:
Para acceder a estos formularios en español, haga clic aquí.
Para acessar esses formulários em português, clique aqui.
Sample Parish/School Administrator Permission Form
Liability Waiver & Medical Authorization Form for Child Under 18
Liability Waiver & Medical Authorization Form for Adults
RCAB – Code of Conduct Employees – Nov 2024
RCAB – Code of Conduct – Volunteers – Nov 2024
Modesty Guidelines Revised 2025
Use of Personal Vehicles for Activities
Helpful Resources
Taking Care of Children with Allergies
New Member Forms
The services and programs of the RCAB Office of Risk Management are open to any Catholic organization or diocese. Becoming a participant in any of our programs provides access to all of our services.
If you or your organization have an interest in becoming a participant in one or more of our programs, we can provide a complete package of information tailored to your needs, along with the estimated contribution costs of the programs that are of interest.
New Member Participation Liability Application for Schools Crime ApplicationParish Use Forms
Many pastors allow non-parish groups to utilize space in parish buildings, either as a source of revenue for the parish or as a way to aid outside organizations that lack meeting space.
The ORM encourages pastors and parish councils to be innovative with the space provided in a parish. In order to ensure the safety of the groups involved and to protect the parish from liability, there are certain steps a pastor should take when allowing non-parish groups to use parish premises.
Host Liquor Liability RequestPlease note: Use this form only if your parish is serving alcohol at a parish-sponsored event and you need to add this coverage. If you are serving alcohol and your city or town requires evidence of insurance to issue a permit for a one-day host liquor license, then you will need to request a General Liability Certificate of Insurance
Property Forms
Property claims management focuses on identifying the cause of property damage or loss, mitigating further damage, taking measures to repair the damage and returning the location back to normal operations as quickly as possible.
Scheduled Property Coverage Property Claim